Generating document feeds

When a website or blog becomes more popular, the need for something like an Atom feed or RSS feed becomes more apparent. Content syndication will help a site grow and create a more stable readership, as you provide readers with a means to keep themselves updated when a new article arrives.


But still, my scheme for creating and saving user config files and data locally to preserve them across reinstalls might be useful for--wait, that's cookies.

Adding a feed generator

One has to implement the FeedGeneratorInterface.

use ZeroConfig\Preacher\Feed\FeedGeneratorInterface;
use ZeroConfig\Preacher\Document\DocumentFeedInterface;

class AtomFeedGenerator implements FeedGeneratorInterface
    /** @var AtomFeedWriterInterface */
    private $writer;

     * Constructor.
     * @param AtomFeedWriterInterface $writer
    public function __construct(AtomFeedWriterInterface $writer)
        $this->writer = $writer;

     * Generate a feed for the given documents.
     * @param DocumentFeedInterface $documents
     * @return void
    public function generateFeed(DocumentFeedInterface $documents)
        $atomFeed = new MyAtomFeed();

        foreach ($documents as $document) {


Note that the documents received by the generator are sorted by publication date, in descending order. So the newest publication comes in first, etc.

When a custom sorting order is required, use iterator_to_array to transform the document feed in an array and sort that to the requirements of the feed generator.

Now the generator must be added to the feed generator aggregate:


    class: AtomFeedGenerator
      - '@my_bundle.preacher.feed_writer'
      - { name: 'preacher.feed_generator' }

Note the tag preacher.feed_generator, which makes it so the feed generator is picked up by Preacher as a feed generator.

To put this all in a reusable extension, read Creating a Preacher plugin.